Dice throne s02 as gach/samourai
Dice throne s02 as gach/samourai
Dice throne s02 as gach/samourai

Dice throne s02 as gach/samourai

Sold out
27,95 €
Dice Throne is a game of intriguing dice, tactical card play, powerful heroes, and unique abilities.
It's a fast-paced 2-6 player combat game (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, or free-for-all). Select from a variety of heroes that play and feel completely distinct from one another. Attack opponents and activate abilities by rolling your hero's unique set of five dice. Accumulate combat points and spend them on cards that have a large range of effects, such as granting permanent hero upgrades, applying status effects, and manipulating dice directly (yours, your teammate's, or even your opponent's).
Dice Throne: Season Two introduces a roster of new heroes and intriguing new matchups.
A stand alone game supporting 2 players. Additional heroes required to play with more than 2 players.
Nombre de joueurs
30 min à 1h
Produit ajouté aux favoris

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